Marconi Chiropractic and Wellness doctor’s use the approach of manual therapy, motion palpation and diversified technique to eliminate joint pain.
Marconi Chiropractic and Wellness doctor’s use the approach of manual therapy, motion palpation and diversified technique to eliminate joint pain.
Massage assists in the healing of injuries such as tendinitis, ligament sprains or muscle strains. Massage therapy reduces swelling and inflammation.
Nutrition is key to proper health. What we put into our bodies fuels us. If our diet consists of fried, over cooked, colorless food, our bodies will run sluggish.
This ancient Japanese energy therapy works in conjunction with the body's energy meridian lines & chakras to treat the body, mind and spirit.
All candles and body products have been infused with reiki healing energy, handmade and created by a Licensed Massage Therapist & Reiki Practitioner.
We have a large space for rent for Energy work, yoga, Sound Bowls, Acro floor Yoga or workshops.
All candles and body products have been infused with reiki healing energy, handmade and created by a Licensed Massage Therapist & Reiki Practitioner. Candles, Soaps, Body Scrubs, Bath Salts and Body Butters are non-toxic, organic and vegan. All glass is recyclable and can be repurposed.
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